Note on Coronavirus Coverage
COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, is a hugely important issue. And yet it’s also an unnerving and potentially disturbing topic for many, and not always appropriate for children.
At, we have been struggling to find an approach to the story that helps keep our audience informed without alarming them unnecessarily.
The situation worldwide has become increasingly serious, but the constant drumbeat of updates as the story develops can have an undesirable magnifying effect. For this reason, we have decided to move coverage of the coronavirus off of the front pages of NFK for now.
So, although we will continue to cover the issue, most articles on the coronavirus will not be promoted to the front page. Instead, they will be available from a page containing links to all articles on the topic. That page can be found here.
Additionally, all coronavirus stories will be given an elevated maturity level, unless they are particularly benign. This will allow coronavirus articles to be hidden using the maturity settings (which can be found at the top of the right-hand sidebar), but will have no additional impact for other users.