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Published in “Asia”

Korean Robot Conducts Orchestra

Last Friday, a special event took place at the National Theater of Korea. A robot called EveR 6 led an orchestra in a performance of Korean music. Robots have led orchestras in other countries, but this was the first time ever in Korea.

Building a House With…Diapers?

A group of scientists from the University of Kitakyushu in Japan has come up with an unusual solution to a messy problem. They've taken dirty diapers, and used them to replace some of the sand needed to build a house with concrete.

Tokyo: a Good Place to Lose Things

Nobody likes to lose money. But if you happen to drop some cash by accident, Tokyo, Japan may be one of the best places to do it. Tokyo police report that last year, people turned in a record-breaking amount of lost money - roughly $29.6 million in cash.

Balloon Sinks US-China Relations

The United States has shot down a large Chinese balloon that floated across the country. The US believes China used the balloon for spying. Relations between the two countries were already tense. The disagreement over the balloon has made things worse.


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