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Posts tagged as “energy”

Cuba Hit By Serious Power Outage

Cuba is facing a serious power problem. On Friday, the entire island lost electricity. As of Monday, much of the island was still without power. The blackout shows how much work is needed to improve Cuba's electricity system. Making things worse, parts of the island were hit by a hurricane on Sunday.

Making the Switch to LED Light Bulbs

On August 1, new rules went into effect in the United States that make it against the law to sell most incandescent light bulbs. These are older-style light bulbs that create light by heating a wire. The law is expected to save energy and help the environment.

Creating Electricity From the Air

Scientists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have invented a new way to make electricity. Their method uses super-tiny holes to make electricity from moisture in the air. The scientists hope the method will one day lead to cheap, clean electricity anywhere at any time.


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