On Sunday, SpaceX launched its Starship rocket for the fifth time. The real excitement came when the 20-story-tall booster rocket returned to the launch site and was caught in mid-air by two giant metal arms.
Posts tagged as “rockets”
Tensions are rapidly rising between North and South Korea. The situation got worse quickly after North Korea launched a rocket that sent a spy satellite into space. Both sides have now pulled away from a 2018 agreement that was meant to prevent conflicts.
NASA's Orion spacecraft splashed down safely on Sunday, successfully completing the space agency's Artemis I mission around the moon. In other moon news, a private Japanese company launched a lunar lander that will deliver a rover and a robot to the moon.
Today NewsForKids.net takes a look at several recent stories of space exploration. India has launched its first private rocket into space. Uganda and Zimbabwe both recently sent their first satellites into space. And NASA's Orion mission has reached the moon, and gone past it.
Yesterday, NASA's massive SLS rocket blasted off, sending the spacecraft Orion on its way to the moon. It's the first flight of NASA's Artemis project, which will later send astronauts to the moon. The current flight is testing the safety of several systems.
On Monday, China launched the final section of its Tiangong space station into space. After a 13-hour trip, the new section, known as Mengtian, docked with the space station on Tuesday morning, finally completing it.
On Monday, a company called Rocket Lab used a helicopter to grab a huge booster section of a rocket out of the air as it fell from space. Like SpaceX, Rocket Lab hopes to lower the costs of rocket launches by reusing parts.
Last night, a group of four "ordinary" people blasted off into space in the first space mission with no professional astronauts. The four will remain in space, circling the Earth for three days before splashing down this weekend.
In today's news roundup, businesses around the world are hit by a massive computer attack, an underwater gas leak in the Gulf of Mexico leads to flames shooting out of the water, and two billionaires race to become the world's first space tourists.
In today's news roundup, Republicans remove Liz Cheney for speaking out against Ex-President Donald Trump, a Chinese rocket falls safely into the Indian Ocean, and DK Metcalf is fast enough for football, but not quite fast enough for sprinting.
This afternoon, NASA expects its Perseverance spacecraft to land on Mars. Landing safely will be an incredible challenge. But if it goes well, the mission could tell us about possible life on Mars, and test out several new inventions.